25 septembrie 2015 – THE ROMANIA JOURNAL: 80 pc of Romanians consider punishments for rape too mild, survey shows

THE ROMANIA JOURNAL: Most of the Romanians, 81.4 pc think that punishments for rape are too mild and should be tightened, reveals Inscop – Adevarul survey conducted during September 10-15. According to the barometer, 95.4 pc of the respondents said they’ve heard of the rape case in Vaslui, with only 3.6 pc admitting they don’t know about it.

Pentru mai multe detalii: http://www.romaniajournal.ro/80-pc-of-romanians-consider-punishments-for-rape-too-mild-survey-shows/

25 septembrie 2015 – THE ROMANIA JOURNAL: 80 pc of Romanians consider punishments for rape too mild, survey shows
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