21 iulie 2015 – ROMANIA JOURNAL: 54.5 pc of Romanians believe that our country is safe from risks because it has not joined the EUR

ROMANIA JOURNAL: Almost half of Romanians – 48.9% – believe that the population of a state should make sacrifices for their country to pay its debts on time, and most of them believe that Romania is free from risks because it uses the RON and has not joined the EUR, according to a Inscop survey about the crisis in Greece. According to the survey, 48.9% of respondents consider that the population of a state should make sacrifices for their country to pay its debts on time, 40.2% think that these sacrifices shouldn’t be made, while 10.8% do not know or do not respond to this question.

Pentru mai multe detalii: http://www.romaniajournal.ro/54-5-pc-of-romanians-believe-that-our-country-is-safe-from-risks-because-it-has-not-joined-the-eur/

21 iulie 2015 – ROMANIA JOURNAL: 54.5 pc of Romanians believe that our country is safe from risks because it has not joined the EUR
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