12 decembrie 2014 – AGERPRES: INSCOP: Presidency, Army, Church and the EU lead charts on people’s trust in public institutions

AGERPRES: INSCOP: The Presidency takes the top spot in the charts showing trust in political institutions, the Army leads the charts of executive institutions, the social and private institutions chart is led by the Church, while the European Union enjoys most trust in the realm of international institutions, according to a poll conducted by INSCOP Research on the orders of daily newspaper Adevarul.

Pentru mai multe detalii: http://www.agerpres.ro/english/2014/12/11/inscop-presidency-army-church-and-the-eu-lead-charts-on-people-s-trust-in-public-institutions-10-38-30

12 decembrie 2014 – AGERPRES: INSCOP: Presidency, Army, Church and the EU lead charts on people’s trust in public institutions
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